Episode 9
On today's episode of Listen to Your Art...Sound off like you got a pair! We are locked and loaded and have our crosshairs aimed at art inspired by war. War and art have an interesting relationship, war has inspired art movements, it has caused the eradication of art and artists, art is used to promote war, and art is also often a military target itself. So enlist with us on this very special program as we welcome Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Marine Thomas Albee who fills in for Robb who dodged this episode like the draft.
This Episode's Drink Pairing:
Each episode our lovely Producer and co-host Krista, pairs a drink that is somehow thematically appropriate for the material discussed in our program. What's the connection? We don't know, but hope to figure out by the end of the episode. Play along with us, and feel free to drink along too! Unless you are driving or operating heavy machinery of course. On this episode Krista decided to bring us a very strong Kamikaze!